Buy Off Loans

We will take over your performing loan.

This is a financing product for individuals running performing facilities with other institutions but they need them taken over by SBC.


  1. Lower interest rate
  2. No or fewer closing costs
  3. Avoiding prepayment penalty


  1. ID & PIN copies (original ID to be provided for verification)
  2. Six months bank/ mpesa statements (or both if available).
  3. Copy of national I.D of the guarantor and the KRA pin.
  4. 2 Passport size photos for the applicant

Loan Rates & Fees*

  1. Interest charged at 3.5% reducing rate.
  2. Application fee of KES 1500.
  3. Loan Processing Fee 3% up 12 months.
  4. Credit life 1.5% of the loan amount.
Ksh 100000 Ksh 2000000
1 months60 months
Total you will Pay:

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